Thursday, March 18, 2010

m y "F I N A L " w e e k
Stress free ! whoooohh ! This whole week is nerve-racking. To start of , Monday was our departmental. I just anwered a very tough AC502 questions.huhu ! Hope I can pass. Well, life must goes on because another testing day for some minor subjects are coming. Last Wednesday was the best Final exam ever. I answered my REED20 subject without any sweat..ahaha ! Just a bit nervous with what my English2, kinda difficult ..huhu...45 minutes was just the given time to answer analytical questions. But then , my BIO class ended smoothly and nicely. I did not study but yet I have answers. You know what I mean. ahahha ! PE class was the worst though. My group mates and I did not do the best that we can give. I almost cried knowing how dismay some of my group mates were and I as well. To add, we were the only group who did not receive any award ! huhu ! sobbing *

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